Blessed Is the One Who Gives to the Poor
Date Published: 05 / 14 / 2024 |

Blessed is the one
who considers the poor!
In the day of trouble
the Lord delivers them.
Psalm 41:1
The generous will themselves
be blessed,
for they share their food
with the poor.
Proverbs 22:9
Whoever gives to the poor
will not want,
but he who hides his eyes
will have many a curse.
Proverbs 9:44
If there is one thing God loves his people to do it is give to the poor and needy. Over 2000 times in the Bible we are commanded, encouraged, and called to give to the poor around us.
This is one of the primary
ways Christians are called by God
to engage society.
We do what most people are not willing to do:
We take what is ours and give it to someone with need.
We sacrifice not only our tithes to Jesus’ church (to support the ministry of the church and the ministers of the church) but above and beyond that we sacrifice extra for the needy people around us.
When we do this we bless
those in need and make a great
argument for the gospel
- since the gospel is about God meeting our needs apart from our deserving, earning, or achieving salvation.
God gives his grace freely so we give freely. We believe God will make up the difference and fill in the gaps around our needs.
We trust God will provide for us
if and when we obey him
in giving freely.
We also believe when we don’t give freely God still provides for us - although he might discipline us a little until we see things his way.
As you might know by now we are having a food drive for the month of April. I want to challenge you to stretch yourself in giving food to the drive.
Take a step of faith,
fill up a cart
and donate food without reserve.
The donations will go to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center. BTAC provides food, showers, and hygiene for the homeless community in the area. BTAC also gives food to low income families, single moms, the unemployed and people who are food insecure.
We get to bless BTAC and those they serve in the name of Christ!
Last week we had a great start. The info counter was full of stuff by the end of service. Let’s keep going!
As Jesus said,
“It is more blessed to give
than to receive.”
Jesus really means this.
What he means is that if you want to be a person who experiences the fellowship and blessing of God emotionally, physically and spiritually (blessed), seek generosity in your life - primarily generosity to the church and the poor.
If generosity is not yet part of your life you are missing out on joy and this key part of fellowship with God.
* Giving brings freedom and meets needs.
* Giving is imitating our generous God.
* Giving is the closest we can get to showing love to a lost world.
What could be better than that?
When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue is parched with thirst, O the Lord will answer them; I the God of Israel will not forsake them.
Isaiah 41:17
Grace and peace,
Pastor Harvey