God's Light in our Life
Date Published: 03 / 16 / 2022 |

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to keep your righteous rules,
I am severely afflicted;
give me life, O Lord, according to your word!
Psalm 119:105-107
In the middle of the night last night, I had to get up to get a drink of water. I didn’t turn on any lights so as not to wake Rachael. What I didn't know is that Rachael (who isn’t the tidiest person) had two pairs of shoes on the floor on my side of the bed as well as some dirty laundry. Of course, I didn't see the shoes so I stepped on one sideways in my bare feet in such a way that I had a shot of dull pain as well as a loss of footing. I didn’t hit the ground (catlike reflexes), but I steadied myself only to step on another pair of shoes and get my other foot caught in some dirty laundry on the floor. There may or may not have been some choice whispered words that hit the air at this moment. All this to say that when we have no light on dangerous unkempt terrain, we need light or we might just stumble through life discharging cuss words into the dark.
God’s Word functions this way as we stumble through this world where someone turned the lights out when they ate forbidden fruit.
God’s Word is a light in this present darkness.
One day God’s Word will light up the whole world, but for now he has given us a lamp for our feet. If I had a small lamp, my trip for water would have been different. In the same way, the light for our path is heard in the Word not seen with the eyes. We see this light with our ears and we live life by faith and not by sight.
If you feel the dark, if you stumble in many ways, turn on the light. Open the book and let God talk. Listen to a sermon, read a passage. Search google for biblical answers to specific problems. Email or call your pastor for input on your situation. Sit under the Word on Sunday, go to catechism and get your questions answered, listen to Scripture in the car, but get the Word in you. When you hear what he says you will have the wisdom, courage and motivation to carry on.
The main thing the Word of God does is preach the gospel to us.
Jesus is the Light and his Word grants us enlightenment. In the gospel, we hear he has done it all. We are forgiven by his grace. He is on His throne, he hears our prayers and prays for us. Let your path be lit by the gospel of Christ.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Harvey