The Lord's Prayer: Part 4

The Lord's Prayer: Part 4 cover for post

“Your Kingdom Come”

Jesus has 2 comings.

His first coming was to save us spiritually.

His second coming will be to save us physically.

At his second coming, he will set up his kingdom on earth. Dictators and the oppressive forces attached to riches and billionaires will be disarmed. Sickness will end, wars will come to peace, there will be no traffic, there will be no calories, no evil and no more sin in us or around us.

Jesus will rule the earth and we are told that many of his children will be established throughout the earth as under-shepherds.

Jesus will rule the earth as its rightful Owner and King.

All of the confusion will clear up, the divides will be brought together, there will be no homeless people because Jesus will redistribute wealth with fairness, there will be no mass shootings or armed robbery because Jesus will take all the guns away (Isaiah 2:4). There will be no gossip, selfishness, oppression, or hate.


And the true worship of Christ

will be established everywhere

in the world.


When we pray the second petition of the Lord’s prayer, this is what we are praying for.

We are praying Jesus will come

back and the kingdom of this

world will become the kingdom

of our God.

We are praying for the resurrection of this dead world.

But we can also pray that his kingdom would increase before the events of the second coming. I don’t think we are going to see the worldwide influence of Jesus until his return, but we can and will see his kingdom advance in other ways and we should pray for this now.


For example:

You can pray for his kingdom to have more influence in your heart and life.

Pray you would come in more and more alignment with him and his kingdom. Pray he would take rule over the dark, wounded, and hidden parts of yourself. Pray his kingdom would come in your thinking, in your hearing, in your acting, in your attitude, in your relationships, in your finances, in your family.


You can pray for his kingdom to come through church planting and missions. Also, pray that places in this world where there are no churches or christians would be sent preachers to hear of his grace.


You can pray for the kingdom to come in our church. We can pray his kingdom would advance through conversions, baptisms, Christ-centered preaching, God-centered worship services, Catechism, gatherings, etc.


We can pray that All Souls

who walk through the door

would encounter God

and the love of his church.


We can pray the poor and homeless would experience a bit of the kingdom through having their needs met, and having opportunities to live well, get jobs or get the proper care.


We can pray this because

this will be what happens

when the kingdom comes.

So let us look to the future with the prayer, 

“Your kingdom Come.”

Grace and peace, 

Pastor Harvey